Monday, November 26, 2007

Wow, it has been a little while since I have been here. Things have just been hectic at home and I am slacking in writing. I am sorry. My youngest got sick and after a visit to the ER ended up with Scarlet Fever. Not something I wanted my heart child to have. But we promptly got him diagnosed and treated so he should be fine. He is still having some coughing though. He has had a bunch of blood testing done to rule out some conditions he may possibly have. They checked his thyroid and checked him for Celiac Disease. He will also be having some testing done in the next week or so to check for Hirschrungs Disease. I would explain them but really don't have the time right now so if you are curious you will have to google them.
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. We did. Just the 7 of us but it was a nice meal. And for those of you who live for Black Friday, I hope you got all the deals you went out in search of. I know my daughter and I did for the most part. We got up and left at 4am along with a friend and hit Walmart and then Target. All in all we were done and home by 7:30am. Not bad. I got the majority of my shopping for the kids done that day. Now just a few odds and ends and I am done!! I think they kids will be pleased this year.
As I type this hubby and my oldest son are out on a hunting trip. They left yesterday morning. This is my son's first hunting trip like this. I am hoping he gets his deer, it will make him so proud. Hopefully they are staying warm though. It is very dreary out where we are.
Not much else to say right now, gonna go tend to the herd.


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