Friday, January 30, 2009
What is says about you: You are a grateful person. You appreciate everyone around you. You are a good listener and your friends are glad to have you around in difficult times.
Find the colors of your rainbow at

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Please take a moment to read this post over at Baby Cheapskate!
Together we can make a difference!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
He's not a ham now is he?
"Little Princess" as we like to call her. 16 days old
Yesterday I packed these two up for the hour and a half journey to little man's heart doctor appt. Little princess was so very good on this long journey. The appt went well and his doctor is still very pleased with how his heart looks and is functioning. I am so happy to hear this! I can't believe that it is almost a year since he had his last surgery. I am just greatful for how healthy of a heart child he is.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Today I ordered this for myself. Did I really need a new camera? Probably not but it is my belated Christmas present/early birthday present to myself....or maybe I can just call it my "congratulations on the new baby" gift to myself. I am very anxious for it to arrive and test it out. Not that I know all that much about photography, but I know I would love to learn more than to point and shoot. (anyone know of any good online sites to learn please share them with me. I would love a SLR camera but it just isn't in the budget. From what I read this is pretty darn close to having one, or at least I think so. I am no camera expert. I really probably should have used that money towards a new washer, which I really should get, yeah my old one works but it is VERY OLD and I am sure the clothes would look a lot better with a new washer. Or I could have put that money towards new furniture which I really should get too or even the living room rug we need to replace. But hey those things can wait...I needed ok well wanted this camera. I will work on the other things when I get my tax refund.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
This button will take you to a page over at 5 Minutes For Special Needs set up with online games. Janice and Susan from 5 Minutes For Mom set it up for Parker. The proceeds from playing these games will go to Parker’s medical fund.
And if you don't know who Parker is I urge you to stop here
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year to all. Hope everyone had a safe and fun night last night.
My hopes of having my New Years Baby, the first one of the year, were dashed last night. Oh well, I never really believed I could get lucky enough to have her then. Especially when it isn't my actual due date until Monday. None of my others have come early, so I didn't think she would either. But one can have hope.
Nothing much happened here last night. The two oldest went out with friends and we stayed home with the 3 youngest. Two of them made it to midnight. Me and Noah went up to bed a little after 11. I know it was so close but I had such a headache and was so discouraged that I had no contractions I just wanted to sleep.
Today, I am running around doing all kinds of cleaning and organizing, not to be ready for the baby but to hopefully kick start labor. So far it isn't helping any. I still plan to take my tree down today, I already cleaned all the kids rooms and did a bunch of wash and steamed the kitchen floor. I have our traditional pork and sauerkraut in the crockpot and the smell is driving me insane. I cannot wait to eat it. The kids aren't fond of it but I only make them eat it once a year.
Well must get back to my "work" I have sat long enough. Gotta evict this baby girl! So feel free to send me all your labor vibes cuz I am sure ready to meet our new gal. (now if only we had a name ready, lol)